Toledo Ohio Wedding Review

Real brides review wedding vendors in Toledo Ohio and surrounding area

Friday, August 18, 2006

Toledo Ohio Bride Review:
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I didn't come to appreciate the complexity of wedding planning until I had my own wedding. What a crazy mess. So many things to plan so many people and vendors to visit. The whole thing was exhausting. Even in small little Toledo Ohio I found the entire process overwhelming. This is precisely the reason why I created this site. If you're like me, you probably have no clue who to trust and who will take advantage of you. I pretty much went with friends and family suggestions. not exactly the best way to gather info. Most of these people have limited experience with weddings themselves and know of very few vendors. Basically I went with the first people recommended. I'm sure they weren't the best. In fact I know now I could have done a much better job selecting my vendors.

My plan is to comb the net and listen closely to friends and family. All along compiling references and experiences of all the available Wedding Vendors in Toledo Ohio. Eventually I hope to have an extensive collections of reviews for all things wedding.

Check back in real soon. I'll be posting as I get them collected


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